China Today. Painting

Ed. Peter Infeld Private Foundation, Vienna
1st edition, 2004
80 pages, numerous illustrations
Size: 28 x 21 cm
German/English/Chinese EUR 10 (incl. VAT)
The fine arts in China are attractive, richly varied, with a penchant for the hipness of youth. Two representatives of this new painting style, Xin Hai Zhou and Zhang Xiao Tao, are exhibited in the Infeld House of Culture in Halbturn.
Xin Hai Zhou's people, created by quickly thrown out, accurately placed and broad-based lines, operate in a completely empty space. Detached from the background, Xin Hai Zhou shows the faces of his contemporaries. The paintings by Zhang Xiao Tao analyze the world, the ways of life, the social realities. The contents of his art are carefully selected and ironic results of global connections and the incessant flow of economic and media goods. His search and analysis begins and ends in China where he lives and works today.